This isn't going to be a particularly insightful or funny post. Just a bit of a short FYI...So, it's Christmas, and my life has become even more maddening than usual. Sissy is a trumpet angel in the Christmas Pageant...this is a HUGE deal to her and a handful of pageant mom wannabes that I noticed at practice. The
VINO happened to be one of them. What a shocker it was to see her squishy ass parading around church condemning parents for not feeding their kids 3 square meals of tofu on a daily basis. The day of pageant practice was particularly stressful for me. I'd spent the entire day being swamped at work and having to listen to an obnoxious
co-worker reminisce about her hysterectomy for 8 hours straight. So, the last thing I wanted to do after work was to drive 20 minutes out of my way to take Sissy to Christmas pageant practice. BUT, alas, she has wanted to be in the stupid thing since 1st grade, and since I love the kid so damn much, I suffer in silence. She did look adorable prissing around in her little white (pillow case) angel costume with tinsel, I mean, a halo in her hair.
Practice lasted from 6-8, which sucks because I had no idea what I was going to do to kill time for 2 hours. After dropping her off, I realized that for the first time in nearly 18 months, I was genuinely ALONE. Hot Damn!! I went to a little Italian restaurant, ordered myself a Sam Adams, Caesar side salad, and a piece of pizza. I got to taste my food and listen to Christmas music without having to pull Hurricane off of the curtains, change a diaper for Bubba, or practice spelling words with Sissy. It was everything I thought it could be and it energized me.
I hear my little man starting to cry now, so I'll close with this: Cherish the little things in life.