Thursday, December 5, 2013


Nothing irks me more than people who believe that berating condescension is an acceptable method of human interaction. What do I mean by berating condescension? Let me give you an example. VINOS. No, not the wine. This word is pronounced with a long "I" and stands for “Vegan/Vegetarian in name only”. Don’t misunderstand me, I am not referring to ACTUAL vegans and vegetarians. They are A-OK in my book! As a matter of fact, I have several family members who are true vegans and vegetarians. They accept me for the meat-eater that I am, and I love them for it! I am talking about people who have adapted the Vegan/Vegetarian lifestyle for the sole purpose of bragging about it to make themselves feel important. These pretentious douche-canoes have nothing better to do with their time than to critique the eating habits of other people and ridicule them for it. It’s pathetic, really. I am a true believer in that old adage of “mind your own business”. What difference does it make to you if I eat bacon, turkey, steak, or tofu? Oh, that’s right. It doesn’t make any difference to you! But you’re going to act like it does, because you are an empty person who feels so badly about your life that you are willing to proudly bash other people’s eating habits because they don’t conform to what you eat. I don’t consider this topic to be a cause. I support people who have causes and I understand how it can take time for advocates to learn how to react to others who don’t share their views. This can make them angry in the beginning, so I kind of don’t take it to heart as much when they get overly emotional, but dictating what your neighbor eats is a whole other animal (pun intended). VINOS do not advocate a cause, they just live on a soapbox.

This all started with one of Sissy’s friends. Sissy came home from a sleepover telling me that her friend says that people who eat meat are gross and disgusting and blah, blah, blah. When she told me this I said, “Well what does she eat?”, she replied, “Her mom sent her with some baby food in a Capri-Sun pouch. You know, those pouches that Hurricane eats?”  I seriously almost died laughing. A ten year old bringing a baby food pouch to a sleepover? I really felt sorry for the poor little girl. I asked Sissy, “Would you want me to send you to a sleepover with baby food?”, she said “No ma’am! I’m not a baby!” So I told Sissy not to worry what this kid had to say anymore and to just ignore her if she says stuff like that again. About a month later, I met this kid’s mother. She was sitting on the bleachers at a school basketball game droning on and on to anyone who would listen, about her “Vegan lifestyle” and how fulfilling it is. Saying things like "processed foods are poisonous" and anyone who allows their children to eat them is a bad parent and that “sugar is like child abuse.” Like child abuse….? Is this chick for real? All I could think was how I’d expected her to be thin and fit, but no, she wasn’t. At all. If I weren’t such a polite person, I’d have interrupted her and said “Listen lady, I’m not taking dietary advice from somebody who looks like the Lorax. Come back when you grow a neck and a waist. Until then shut the hell up.”