Saturday, December 21, 2013

Fry Phil

This is my take on the whole Phil Robertson “hiatus” from Duck Dynasty. I will go ahead and put myself out there for avid ridicule by those who disagree with me, but “Oh well” ‘tis the life of a Libertarian. I’m quite used to being called names, so give it your best shot. I’m a big girl and, trust me, I can take it.

Our very existence is compiled of rules. There are rules for everything. Don’t lie. Don’t steal. Don’t cheat. Don’t kill. I don’t see every liar in this country getting butt hurt when they hear someone say that lying is a sin. Thieves and murderers don’t start prison riots because law enforcement goes on TV proclaiming their mission to rid the world of thieves and murderers. So why the outrage over the comments of an old man who, supposedly, no one in the gay community gives a crap about? I read the interview and nowhere was I able to find anything that could be construed as hateful. Phil simply made mention of the rules and teachings in the Bible. I understand that there are many different versions of the Bible, but for the most part, they all contain the same basic rules of morality that God has placed on mankind. One such rule being that homosexuality (along with lying, stealing, adultery, murder, blasphemy)  is a sin. I know people who have committed various sins in the Bible, some of whom I love very dearly, but just because I don't agree with their lifestyle, doesn't mean I hate them. There are also other rules, such as spreading the Word of God to others “And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned” Mark 16:15-16. Phil Robertson tries to follow these rules as best as he can. Like all of us, he is a flawed human being, but having lived and sinned, he is trying his best to make things right with the Lord, by following the rules and teachings of the Bible.

Many people, as clearly demonstrated by the 1.4 M+ followers of the “Boycott A&E Until Phil Robertson is put back on Duck Dynasty” Facebook page, tend to follow the rules of the Bible. Other followers of the page may not necessarily believe the Bible, but they support freedom of speech that allows other people to follow the Bible without having to be afraid to speak on their beliefs. I have even read comments by some gay people who support Phil. Why? Because, while they may not agree with his views, they are not offended by his right to have and speak them. They understand that to disagree with someone, doesn't constitute hatred of them. What I will NEVER understand about this whole fiasco is WHY so many people in the gay community are so “offended” by Phil simply pointing out what the Bible states. They all know that the Bible calls homosexuality a sin and many of them CLAIM not to care. If they truly don’t care, then it wouldn't matter one bit that Phil Robertson (a man that many in the gay and left-wing community condemn as being a redneck, hick, ignorant, whatever) paraphrased what the Bible says about homosexuality. 

My take? They care what the Bible says, and they care IMMENSELY. Not because they are religious, but because the Bible is a constant reminder that they may not have it all figured out. It is the ever present “what if” in the back of their minds. Now, don’t misunderstand me, I’m not saying that this theory only applies to gay people, because it doesn't. It applies to all of us, myself included, about any vice that we enjoy in life. Any sinner is going to get crazy defensive if they get confronted with the idea that their vice, whatever it may be, could result in the possibility of eternal damnation upon GOD'S judgment. Why do they get angry? Because they don't want to stop sinning and there is no concrete proof whether they are right, or wrong. The only way to ease that nagging feeling that they might actually be wrong, is to get angry, lash out, and silence who or whatever is causing them to doubt themselves.

Bottom Line: Quit being so concerned with the words and beliefs of other people, stop with the "words hurt" mentality, because that just makes you look like a whiny idiot and most of all mind your own business.

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