The Fam
First of all, there's me, CC. Hi! I already did an "About Me" section so I'll spare you...
Tony- He is my husband, best friend, tormentor (whenever he feels like tickling me mercilessly), and team mate. He has more patience than any person I've ever met, and I don't have any patience. At all. So he has been a God sent to me in more ways than one. I love his goofy-ass.
Sissy- My oldest daughter. She's 10 and the love of my life. Sissy is the most beautiful, yet dramatic little girl. She has a heart of pure gold and keeps everyone's lives interesting.
Hurricane- My youngest daughter. She's 1 and has blue eyes to die for and a precious smile. She is my wild child and, if I had to guess, she'll probably grow up to be a NASCAR driver.
Bubba- My baby boy. He was born 4 days before the Hurricane turned 1. He is relaxed, quiet, and studies everyone. He is my baby boy and he melts my heart.
The Besties
Monica- My sister. She is younger than me, has prettier feet, and more fashion sense than I will ever have. She is hilarious and I could probably spend a week with her doing nothing but sitting on her couch drinking wine and laughing...actually no, my house. Her dog is a psycho.
Rachel- She is my
general voice of reason. I tend to fly off the handle on a regular basis and
Rachel has the composure to calmly make me realize that I’m acting like a
lunatic, without coming out and saying so. She is one of the only friends who
is courageous enough to try to take me shopping and still be my friend when it’s
all over. She has a heart of gold and is one of the most loyal people I know.
We lead a crazy, LOUD life! There is always a dirty diaper to be changed, unfinished laundry, and vacuuming to be done. Never a dull moment 'round these parts, but it makes for some interesting conversation. These critters are my life and they simultaneously help me maintain my sanity, while losing my mind.
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