When I first came up with the idea to write a blog, my first instinct was to pretend to be something that I'm not. IE, nix the curse words and ignore topics that would incite controversy. Lucky for you, that’s not how I roll. I am a very opinionated person, who values a relationship with God and my family; however, I will drop the occasional curse word here and there. Yes, the hypocrisy of this is not lost on me but I spent 4 years of my young adult life serving in a Department of the Navy where the f-bomb is substituted for “Ummm” in most cases, so please bare with me. I’m sure most of my posts will be riddled with curse words until I proof-read them to add a little class, but if I feel strongly enough about a subject, sometimes cursing is necessary to get my point across.
I anticipate some sort of evolution happening with this blog, as I figure out what exactly I want it to be, but I hope that I can offer some semblance of entertainment for anyone reading, on my journey. For now, I am going to simply write what is on my mind about my day to day experiences. It will probably contain much critique of others, but let’s face it, sometimes other people suck simply because they aren’t you, and I intend to capitalize on that here. If you see something that you like, feel free to share this blog with your friends because, as a woman, I am in need of constant validation!! (Don't lie, you know you are too!;)
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